Understanding Carpal Tunnel Treatment North Carolina

By Arthur Fox

Carpal Tunnel involves the agitation and damage to a nerve positioned in the wrist and into your hand that can suffer severe damage upon movement. When you suffer from this condition, it causes weakening, pain and limited movement that compromises the ability to perform regular actions. To best manage carpal tunnel treatment North Carolina individuals affected by this injury can receive fully custom therapy.

Wearing a splint or a brace is recommended to keep the wrist and the hand from twisting and turning that would irritate the carpal nerve. In most cases of damage, it is caused by repetitive stress movements that agitate the nerve and cause the surrounding ligaments to swell and compress this nerve. By restricting range of motion, it helps prevent against such difficulties and ensures that the ligaments and the nerve is allowed to heal.

With the application of a brace, it is important that the contraption is applied properly. This will prevent extreme pressure and additional problems including severe nerve damage that could cause permanent disruptions in sensation and movement. The professional will provide a complete breakdown of the options available to address wrist irritation and mobility by delaying the need for surgery with conservative care.

For individuals suffering from severe forms of pain and strain, the application of a stereoscopic injection aims to provide immediate pain relief while reducing the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the nerve. While such injections serve as a safe and suitable option for those seeking short term pain relief and mobility, it is not a long term answer. Alternative methods should be used to provide lasting relief and recovery.

To minimize having surgery performed on your wrist and hand, occupational therapy is sought by many carpal tunnel sufferers and recommended by practitioners. The exercises encourage release of the nerve while minimizing the repetitive stress that is placed on the nerve and the tissues. The nature of the exercises is determined by the severity of the irritation and the overall dysfunction of your wrist and hand.

Professionals are responsible for introducing therapies to recover the pain and weakening of the joint. Exercises have shown vast improvements in the symptom management of carpal tunnel while decreasing the need to undergo surgery. The wrist must be relaxed and a brace worn to ensure that it can support your recovery without leading to additional damages and irritation.

Care efforts with the purpose of decreasing painful symptoms and restrictions include the application of ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound is effective in producing a thermal frequency that is delivered to the ligaments and the nerve for lasting pain relief. The therapy occurs over a 20 minute session and serves the purpose of providing a decrease in the occurrence of harsh symptoms.

In cases where the symptoms and damages caused by the median nerve cannot be released or alleviated, surgical intervention is required. The performance of conservative care must be conducted on a routine basis to ensure the wrist and the nerve benefit from the option of non-invasive care. If you are suffering from limitations that are caused by this condition, it is important to seek the appropriate care and therapy for lasting relief.

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