For Cancer Holistic Treatment Miami Patients Must Tread Carefully

By Raymond Baker

The Big C, as the collection of different cancers is commonly referred to is still one of the most dreaded conditions anyone can contract. It is certainly still a killer disease but there have been many advances in dealing with it through various methods and drugs. Many cancers can be controlled and managed, adding any years to the live spans of patients. Patients have access to much information on their conditions and when searching for cancer holistic treatment Miami patients try to find out what is best for them.

Patients often feel desperate and they are scared of traditional treating methods that include radiation, surgery and chemo therapy. Many of them turn to alternative remedies, of which there is most certainly no shortage. There are thousands of websites dedicated to proven methods alternative remedies and methods. There is a very great risk, however, and specialist warn patient to trust in only the proven treatment techniques and plans.

Respected researchers and specialist often point out that all the various so called proven alternative methods have no solid research behind them. If they did actually work, medical science would definitely have adopted them long ago. Patients need not fear treatment methods. They have become safer and pose far fewer side effects these days. Better yet, these treatment methods, in conjunction with a more holistic plan are effective in managing the disease.

Counselling is an important element of most programs. When first diagnosed, patients tend to become depressive and even self destructive. They feel sorry for themselves and they struggle to find meaning in life. A therapist can help them to cope with the diagnoses and to face the traumas of living with a dread disease. The focus is on living though, not on dying and therefore therapy focus on life and the enjoyment of it.

Patients that enjoy the full and loving support of their families and friends are definitely better off. Patients are often reluctant to discuss their conditions but it is important to be truthful and to be honest. The more those supporting the patient know about the condition, the better they will be able to provide support. Patients do not all have the same support needs and it is important that they tell their loved ones what it is they need from them.

Many patients have to make drastic changes to their diets. They need to forego alcohol and other potentially harmful substances. A lot of patients lose their appetites and they are encouraged to eat several small meals during the day and to include vegetables and fresh fruit with every meal. Their diets should also include omega fatty acids and foods that increase the energy levels.

Patients are also encouraged to exercise for at least half an hour daily. Low impact exercises like walking, cycling and swimming will all cause the release of endorphins in the brain which makes a person feel better and more positive. Many doctors recommend that their patients take up yoga because it combines healthy exercise with other disciplines such as focus, concentration and spiritual health.

Research into finding a cure for cancers is on going and relentless and progress is made all the time. In the meantime, patients can only benefit from a holistic approach to dealing with the disease. Positive and compliant patients enjoy many meaningful years of life after being diagnosed.

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