Learn How A Knox County Chiropractor Helps Migraine Sufferers Using Gentle Adjustments

By Hector Calibugar

An intense and disabling type of headache is the migraine. The pain may be felt on one or both sides of the head near the temple. This acute pain can be brought to a more tolerable level when you make an appointment to visit the knox County Chiropractic office.

The sufferer can experience nausea, vomiting or dizziness. Visions of light or blurry eyesight can occur. Migraines might be the result of a constricted blood flow to the brain.

During the first office visit the chiropractor will examine the head, neck and the entire spine. An x-ray may be done to clarify the condition. After a complete medical history is compiled chiropractic care can be initiated.

One research study shows that misalignment of one or more of the seven cervical vertebrae results in pressure on the nerve roots. That pressure is present in more than 70 percent of sufferers. Adjusting those vertebrae will relieve that pressure.

A migraine affects each person in a similar but unique way. For that reason the chiropractor designs a care plan for the needs of each individual. Some sufferers find the pain is reduced after the first few spinal adjustments.

As the vertebra or vertebrae are gradually returned to the correct position the pressure is reduced. Another component of the care plan may be massage. Using both methods of relief concurrently often provides the best result.

As these small bones are moved back into the normal position, they no longer press against the spinal nerve roots. A reduction of pressure alleviates the pain you feel. Using massage along with the adjustments can deliver excellent results.

A high percentage of clients do not experience a return of the intense pain. It is advisable, however, to schedule a follow-up office visit after six months. This is the best way to have the chiropractor monitor and maintain your health status.

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