Choosing The Best Lyme Disease Supplements

By Dorthy Lloyd

Lyme disease is a medical condition caused when a tick bite transfers bacteria to the human host. The bacteria can spread from the skin all around the body eventually infecting the nervous system, joints, and heart. Many people are turning to Lyme disease supplements for natural and effective ways to treat this condition.

Most ticks do not carry the bacterium that transmits Lyme disease. The tick must carry it to transmit it through a bite. The longer an infected tick is allowed to remain attached to the skin, the higher the risk of contracting the illness.

Many doctors have trouble diagnosing their patients with this disease. This is because the patient will often experience symptoms that jump around as well as come and go. Many of the symptoms reported are the same as those associated with completely different diseases. Patients suffer a wide range of symptoms, including extreme mood swings, digestive problems, headaches, muscle pain, trouble sleeping, and pain that migrates from one area of the body to another. Doctors will often do blood tests to look for signs of antibodies when diagnosing this condition.

Symptoms of this bacterial illness occur in phases. The first phase involves redness of the skin at the bite. The area of redness expands out from the bite. The symptoms become worse with time.

Treatment of this condition with antibiotics is often effective when physicians catch it in its earliest stages. Doctors advise patients to take the antibiotics for up to four weeks. The type of medication will depend on how early the infection is caught.

Patients lacking healthy levels of certain vitamins and minerals will have a more difficult time quickly recovering from this condition. Physicians should test for any deficiencies in zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B. Patients who need to add more can take oral supplements or adjust their diet accordingly. In addition to helping the body fight infections, all B vitamins support healthy cellular and neurological function.

Curcumin, an ingredient of turmeric, can complement antiobiotic treatment. This spice ingredient also protects the cells against harmful inflammation. Individuals undergoing treatment for this illness can also add omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium to the diet to promote overall good health and speed up recovery time.

Certain types of natural bacteria in the body serve many useful purposes but only when present in sufficient amounts. If the balance between bad and good bacteria is out of whack, it is wise to replace the good bacteria. Patients can do this by consuming probiotic rich foods and beverages. Yogurt made with raw goat's milk and kefir are excellent sources for priobiotics.

Anyone who develops symptoms after spending time in an area where ticks thrive, should see a qualified medical professional for an official diagnosis. Seeking treatment early is the key to avoiding serious problems, including neurological disorders as the disease advances to later stages. Patients have a better chance of a quick and complete recovery when they begin treatment early. Supplementing antibiotic therapy with a healthy diet containing omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, probiotics, and essential vitamins can aid the recovery process.

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