Tallahassee Chiropractors Offers Neck Pain Relief Options For Those Who Are Hurting

By Fernando Ketter

The cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae in the neck. The largest and uppermost one is the Atlas. It supports the entire weight of the head. An injury called whiplash occurs frequently in automobile accidents. This is a serious and disabling injury as confirmed by a prominent Tallahassee Chiropractor.

The body is protected by a seat belt and an air bag. However the head is free to be jerked forward and back with rapid force. Needless to say, the pain can be excruciating with the individual unable to turn his head from one side to the other. The goal of chiropractic care is to restore function to the neck by reducing pain and increasing the range of motion.

Care can be determined by a chiropractic examination. The first appointment is spent doing a full evaluation. You will have your spine examined, give a medical history and have an x-ray taken. Gentle spinal adjustments are often part of the care.

In addition to whiplash, the cervical spine can be hurt due to muscle strain and tension. It may be a combination of these factors. It may also be a condition called cervical osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative condition that may occur with age.

Head trauma caused by a collision on the football field can cause vertigo, which is dizziness. It also causes nausea and vomiting in some cases. The type called cervicogenic vertigo may be relieved using spinal adjustments.

Still another cause of vertigo is debris contained in the inner ear, which is responsible for balance. The vestibulocochlear canal may fill with this debris. A chiropractic application, called the Epley Maneuver moves the debris and relieves the feeling of dizziness.

One care plan is customized for each client. It may surprise you to learn that two people with the same injury may require different care plans to alleviate the pain. A plan may include spinal adjustments, massage and applications of heat and cold. Stretching exercises may also serve to reduce the hurt.

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