Herbal Blends Loose Leaf Tea

By David Stewart

True tea is made from the leaves of Camillia sinensis in some variety of black, green, white, or oolong. What we call 'herbal tea' is a tisane made from steeping the leaves, roots, or blossoms of a plant in hot water. In both cases, the hot water brings out the aroma and flavor of the plant material, and it also releases health-giving properties into the water.. There are many herbal blends loose leaf tea on the market today, and people continue the ancient practice of making their own right from their garden.

Herbs are often chosen for a brewed beverage to get away from the caffeine in true teas. Only fermented black teas contains the stimulating component prized by so many in their morning coffee. At night, instead of decaffeinated coffee, you could have a warm cup of chamomile or the stronger-smelling valerian. Many familiar bedtime products contain several calming, sedating herbs.

A 'tisane' is an infusion of different parts of plants in water. Steeping the leaves or other parts in hot water releases the flavor, aroma, and health benefits of the plant and makes them available to us. Ginger, good for heart and stomach, can be mixed with lemon and mint for a great cup. Licorice is another herb known for flavor, enhancing digestion, and being especially good for women.

There are combinations of true teas and other plants, if you want the benefits of both. Lemon added to iced black or black teas may boost the antioxidant value, as vitamin C has been proved to make these nutrients more bioavailable. Black tea, orange, and cinnamon are great together. Green with lemon or mint is helpful when you're slimming.

At night, stimulation may be the last thing you want. Calming herbs include chamomile, passionflower, valerian, lemon balm, and kava kava. Add ginger to help you digest dinner or to warm you up nicely before bed.

Are you accustomed to buying your herbs in tea bags? Many tea lovers prefer the loose leaves. They say that loose leaf blends are fresher, are made of larger pieces of leaf, root, and blossom to retain more of the valuable nutrients, and are more aromatic and full of taste. More of the essential oils are retained, while the antioxidants and polyphenols that boost our health retain their potency.

There are cost savings, too. Compare the weight on a box of teabags with the amount listed on a container of loose-leaf and you will see that the latter is a much better value. Online posts also say that if you make a cup of loose-leaf tea and drain the dregs thoroughly, you can re-use them, maybe more than once, for more enjoyment. Teabags, which experts say confine the leaves too much and impede the flow of hot water to the contents, will not be as reusable.

There is a whole science of teas. Go online to learn the mystique which has developed over centuries. Virtually every culture and society has brewed teas for pleasure and for health. There are many companies with teamasters working hard to create blends that you will love. You will also find a wealth of information on the health benefits of herbs.

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