Advantages Of Plasma Replacement Therapy

By Donald Roberts

For those who have lived with chronic pain can attest to the fact that they can almost do anything humanly possible to take the pain away. Sports injuries especially around the joints, are a perfect example of acute pain. For such careers, quick recovery from injuries is a crucial thing. It is during those circumstances that plasma replacement therapy comes in handy. Keep reading to find out more about this treatment.

While platelet-rich fluid treatment continues to receive a lot of criticism from its opposition, it is equally eliciting unwavering support from those who have benefited from it. Being a new form of therapeutic treatment, some believe that more research needs to go into the practice to verify its effectiveness. As with any new form of treatment, it is normal to receive a lot of attention from all corners.

In contrast to the popular negative publicity, platelet rich plasma is becoming quickly mainstream. Bearing in mind that there are less risks involved compared to other methods that may require surgical operations. In fact, since its widespread use with athletes and other highly active individuals, there have been no major incidents to report regarding side effects.

Take a soccer player with one of the major leagues in Europe as a practical example. When they are one of the most valued players for the team they play for, they cannot afford to sit on the bench for months or years nursing musculoskeletal injuries. With the millions they earn, teams need these players back on their feet as soon as possible. PRP is highly effective with quick recovery from injuries.

Most of the pain medications such as injections and pills have numerous side effects. Some are even known to contribute to cardiac arrest. While they may momentarily reduce or stop pain, they do not offer any significant solution to the condition of the patient. After a while, the injections have to be repeated, unlike PRP which has more effective solutions to musculoskeletal pains. This is by using the body's natural healing process.

From the foregoing, it is apparent that platelet rich fluid treatment is the next mainstream pain treatment option. While it can be argued that there is lack of sufficient evidence to its success, there have also been no major incidents reported so far. This is because this treatment does not entail using any other prescribed medication apart from helping the body to recover naturally from injuries.

It is important however that patients should leave all options open. While PRP is a non-operative treatment, it can also be used alongside other treatment options. For instance, when used during surgeries, it is widely used to hasten the repair of the Achilles tendon and rotator cuff. Therefore, whether or not surgery will be done is dependent on the extent of the injury.

If you want to make the most out of platelet rich plasma treatment, be sure to work with a qualified medical practitioner. Just as you would choose your family doctor, so you should do with this medical practitioner. You do not want to get the wrong dosage and develop more complications.

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