The Significance Of Ozone Therapy San Diego

By Deborah Adams

This therapy refers to a form of treatment which is usually used to or in treatment of numerous medical conditions. This treatment is not very common as it is only used in United States and Europe. Ozone therapy San Diego usually offers treatment option by using this layer which is actually a mixture of oxygen molecules.

With this particular treatment, patients are offered an alternative of taking medicine. This is a treatment method which is used in taking care of lifestyle diseases. Oxidative stress is a condition which has been seen to cause diabetes. This treatment tends to activate the body antioxidants which are protection mechanism used in the treatment of diabetes together with its complications.

On the other hand when the immune system is underactive such as like during the chronic illness, then it requires to be stimulated and this particular remedy does exactly this. This unique capability of this particular remedy comes from the activation of the immune molecules which are known as gamma interferon, TNF-alpha and the colony stimulating factor among others.

This is also a remedy which tends to kill both the bacteria together with viruses. The treatment is viewed to effectively interfere with the metabolism of the bacterial cells specifically by blocking and inhibiting the enzymatic control system. A good amount of the ozone tends to break the cell membrane and this is a crucial operation since it destroys bacteria.

Cytokines are actually the molecules which are found in the immune system and increase in production of these molecules helps a lot in the control and the stimulation of the immune system. This is also a very effective method which is widely used for pain relief. This is a treatment which is not expensive and a nontoxic method of reducing several types of pain. This is also a kind of treatment which is very effective in reducing most of inflammation.

The side effects of this method of treatment tends to vary depending on the type of treatment which an individual has undergone. Individuals are advised not to inhale the ozone by any means. This is simply because if the gas goes into the nose, mouth or even eyes it can cause some severe burns. This can in turn cause nausea, vomiting, coughing and headaches.

The treatment used in this practice eradicates the virus by simply using the by products which are formed when the practice gets the ability to combine with the body fluids. It is also argued that this medication has an ability of eradicating cancer cells.

This medication method is very effective in killing unhealthy cells and leaving the healthy ones to survive. The healthy cells usually have three enzymes which protects them from oxidation. The healthy cells also require high amounts of oxygen for them to operate as expected. Due to the fact that unhealthy cells lack beneficial enzymes, cancer cells fall in this class and the ozone is able to destroy them easily.

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