Auto Accident Injury Sufferers Find Pain Relief With Peabody, MA Chiropractor

By Bertulda Zerna

When someone is in a car accident, the pain of an injury can be disabling. The head, neck and back are susceptible. Air bags offer protection against impact to the face and chest. Unfortunately, they cannot shield the passenger from whiplash injury. Chiropractors in Peabody MA explain to clients that this is a common occurrence.

It sometimes takes hours or even days to become apparent that whiplash has occurred. The accident victim will notice it is difficult or impossible to turn his head from side to side. He may not be able to tilt his head back to look up either. The pain can be intense in many cases.

As the pain affects his life significantly, a trip to the chiropractors office seems necessary. During the first appointment an evaluation will be done. The chiropractor examines the neck and back to discover if any spinal vertebrae are out of place. Subluxation is the chiropractic term for a misalignment of the spinal bones.

Whiplash is a general term and not all cases are alike. Therefore, each care plan must be devised individually. The pain may be more or less intense and the speed of recovery may be faster or slower depending on the individual person.

An appropriate care plan may include wearing a neck brace for a short period of time. This is not a long-term solution. Following the evaluation a series of gentle manual adjustments may be advised. Massage may be a part of that plan also.

When the soft tissue has been affected, massage will help ease the soreness in the tendons and ligaments. It will also loosen the tight muscles in the neck. Manual adjustments are proven successful in alleviating the pain caused by misaligned vertebrae, which are the small bones that make up the spinal column.

The manual adjustments will ease those bones back into their correct positions, thereby easing that pain. Your progress may be slightly faster or slower than that of another whiplash victim. Improvement will depend on your age, your state of health and the extent of the whiplash injury when care begins.

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