How Homeopathic Doctors In Erie PA Can Help You With Your Cholesterol

By Alta Alexander

Weight is an important issue in modern medicine. Obesity is regarded as something of an epidemic these days, and at least half of the population is overweight or obese. One possible health problem resulting from this condition is excessive cholesterol. While this term may be familiar to some, homeopathic doctors in Erie PA can provide more information on its implications.

The source of cholesterol in the diet is the fat. Cholesterol falls into two categories - "good" and "bad". Its function in your body is to form part of the membranes of cells, as a component of their structure. However, if it is available excessively in the metabolism, it is placed in reserves on the artery walls, in the form of hard accumulated plaques.

The presence of plaques is unhealthy, because it restricts the diameter of the blood-vessel and serves to increase blood pressure. Artery walls are made of muscle, so the plaques also hamper normal muscular contraction and expansion. Strokes and cardiac arrest are associated with excessive cholesterol levels.

Modern medicine provides attempts to reverse this situation. One staple prescription is aspirin, since it causes the plaques to disintegrate. But not everyone uses pharmaceutical approaches, either because they decide not to or because the side-effects are so serious that they'll die. They might then turn to the homeopathic options.

They can consult with homeopaths in Erie, PA. The latter can assist them in selecting the appropriate natural remedy. Natural remedies are often simple, everyday options that are easy to get hold of, such as common spices or herbs. These, too, have a restrictive or destructive effect on metabolic cholesterol.

One of the most common is the Capsicum family of plants. This is merely the scientific name for the plants known as peppers, and one example of this family is the chili. Chillies are not necessarily very popular because they are so "hot" or caustic in the mouth, but they are effective in cleaning cholesterol out of the circulatory system.

Another question that also applies to the homeopathic remedies is that of dosage. You might not expect to be able to overdose on everyday plants, but this is possible. Anything that affects your metabolism can be taken in excessive quantities, if you use it for too long or you use too much at a time. Even popular spices can be elevated to clinical status or dosage, and at that level of intake they should be used for a limited time only. People might be inclined to experiment or become obsessed with a natural remedy because the lack of a prescription allows for self-medication. This is not sensible. Chillies are a good example - the hot chemicals in the raw plant can lacerate the inside of the mouth or throat.

At all times, it is important to remember that there is no quick-fix solution to cardiac illnesses and high blood pressure. Relying on tablets, or on natural measures, is not enough to remedy the condition. A comprehensive lifestyle approach incorporating proper exercise and the avoidance of obvious sources of excessive fat is equally important.

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