Discover Safe Solutions For Carpel Tunnel With A Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor

By Allan Bigarda

Carpel tunnel syndrome may start out with very mild symptoms. The thumb and first two fingers will feel numb from time to time. Sometimes the ring finger is affected, but not always. The little finger is not affected. The tingling and numb feeling only happens occasionally at first. Eventually it becomes constant. There is help available in the office of a prominent Redondo Beach Chiropractor.

At some point, it may develop into a tingling and weakness that affects the individual all the time. Carpal tunnel can impact your activities in a negative way. If you do repetitive small motor tasks as part of your job, it may be difficult to continue working.

It can be dangerous to ignore these symptoms in the hope they will go away. Irritation to the median nerve, which is located in the wrist, is one possible cause. The pressure can be lessened with chiropractic care, alleviating the numbness and pain.

The pressure on the carpal tunnel may not be the only cause for this disorder. The nerve that is impacted runs all the way up to the neck and any part of that nerve may be compressed. Attention must be paid to the wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck. There is no need for invasive procedures or medications with chiropractic care, which makes it preferred by many people.

The methods it relies on are manual adjustments of the wrist, elbow and upper spine, plus ultrasound and wrist supports. However, no care can be provided until a thorough evaluation is completed. A medical history is taken. A physical examination is done on the area. An x-ray may be useful in clarifying the location of the pressure.

At the end of several research studies, clients reported the numbness and pain to be reduced after chiropractic care was given. The strength of the hand and fingers had increased and the range of motion extended. Six months after the series of manual adjustments was completed, clients reported that the resultant improvement was still in effect.

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