How A Tallahassee Chiropractic Office Alleviates Shoulder Pain Naturally

By Mary Badder

Does your shoulder hurt when you pick something up or raise your arm over your head? Maybe it is very hard to get a good night's sleep because you can no longer lie on your side. This is a common problem with many people, but there is no reason to suffer with painful shoulder conditions that make life harder on you. Your Tallahassee chiropractor is there to help.

Your first chiropractic visit will include a complete examination. You and the chiropractic doctor can discuss all the issues you are currently dealing with. He may need to check your arm and shoulder in various positions to see how mobile your shoulder joint is. Usually, you'll need testing and this can be in the form of C-T Scan, MRI, or shoulder x-rays.

Once the cause of your shoulder discomfort is determined, you can begin to receive natural therapy for pain relief and increased mobility. The chiropractic doctor may start you on a program of physical therapy that will ease pain and allow the shoulder to regain flexibility.

Your therapy is aimed at dealing with the cause of pain and not just blocking pain from drugs. Therapy may start with ice or heat and electronic muscle stimulation. In addition, you may receive an exercise program that is specifically designed to help shoulder problems.

Chiropractic adjustment can be very effective for shoulder pain. In fact, some kinds of shoulder problems have their origins in the neck and upper back, and once this issue is corrected, the pain may simply go away. However, a small percentage of patients may need surgery and your chiropractor will direct you to a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

Therapy for shoulder pain may not result in instant relief. However, it may not take long for you to see considerable results and pain reduction. It is important to keep the shoulder strong and flexible with exercise, to help you avoid shoulder problems in the future. Your Tallahassee chiropractic doctor can help you and your family with many health problems.

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