Local Residents Find Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Short Pump

By Samital Leah Zerna

The median nerve, located just above the wrist, transmits signals which serve to activate the hand. When this nerve is compressed it causes tingling, numb feelings and pain. The place where nerve signals pass to the hand are shaped like a narrowed tunnel in the wrist. For that reason, the affliction is called carpal tunnel syndrome. Professional help is available at Midlothian Chiropractic in Short Pump to ease the pain.

Trauma to the wrist and repetitive stressful movement may be the cause. It might be impossible for the individual to hold on to objects and be unable to open a jar. Often, the person is unable to keep working at a computer or manufacturing job that involves assembling small parts.

The tingling sensation and pain in the hands may even interrupt getting a good nights sleep. A chiropractor may alleviate the symptoms by performing vertebral adjustments to the neck and using massage. It is much preferred to either surgical intervention or prescription medication.

The symptoms usually come on slowly and grow severe over time. Eventually the numbness moves up the arm to cause pain there in addition to the hand. Carpal tunnel may begin after the wrist is broken or when the person is stricken with rheumatoid arthritis. Some cases are due to an unidentifiable factor.

An entrapped nerve may be above the wrist or in the arm or neck. Compression causes this entrapment. It can affect one nerve or several. A combination of massage and adjustments to the cervical vertebrae may be required to alleviate the numbness and pain.

Before that care can be applied, the chiropractor must confirm that the problem is carpal tunnel syndrome. Ruling out alternative reasons for the pain is imperative. When confirmed, the appropriate method of care can be determined. Administering spinal adjustments to the cervical vertebrae may be used alone. These require a series of office visits to receive the chiropractic care you need.

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