Snellville Sciatica May Benefit From Chiropractic Therapy

By Fernando Ketter

Chronic back pain can be a mild ache or stiffness or considerable pain. You might not be able to perform routine daily tasks without a great deal of difficulty. One of the most difficult and painful back conditions today is called sciatica. Here is important information on this problem from your local Snellville chiropractor.

The term "sciatica" refers to the longest nerve in your body. It begins in the lower part of the spine and extends all the way to the feet. When this nerve becomes irritated or impinged, it can create many different painful conditions associated with nerve pain. This nerve can become impinged in one of several ways.

Your spine is made up of several segments containing vertebrae and disks. This is what gives the back its flexibility and ability to move in all directions. However, the spinal column is not solid and inside is a channel for a large nervous system. These nerves serve all regions of the body and are protected by the spinal structure.

Because humans walk upright, a great deal of stress can be placed on the spine at times. If the low back becomes injured or stressed, it can throw the spinal structure out of its normal alignment. Once this happens, nerves can become injured, resulting in pain. Nerve pain can be very difficult to deal with and even disabling.

If the sciatic nerve is injured, pain may be felt in the low back, buttocks, or down the back of one's legs. In fact, it can sometimes be felt in the feet. It's usually confined to one side of the body and the pain may feel like burning, numbness, stabbing, electric shock, or a strange tingling sensation which is hard to describe.

Sciatic pain can make it difficult to sleep or function and your chiropractic professional in Snellville has years of experience with sciatica issues. After a thorough examination, sciatica often responds well to chiropractic adjustment therapy to restore spinal alignment. After just a few sessions, pain often begins to subside naturally.

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