Beat Depression Via These Tips That Postpartum Ayurvedic Medicine Authorities Suggest

By Charles Roberts

According to experts, about 80 percent of women who just gave birth experience postpartum depression or PPD for short. It usually lasts for just a couple of weeks, although moderate to severe cases of it may stay around for several months. Mental health professionals confirm that PPD can be blamed on hormonal imbalance which tends to normalize after some time. Read on to come across some highly suggested tips by postpartum ayurvedic medicine professionals on dealing with PPD.

Have plenty of sun. Vitamin D is a mood lifting vitamin, and it can be obtained from the sun free of charge. Up to 3 times a week, a woman who is experiencing PPD should stay under the sun for 20 to 30 minutes. However, it's not a good idea for her to do so between 10 am and 4 pm because it can increase her risk of having deadly skin cancer and also unsightly premature aging signs.

Exercise on most days of the week. Working out is great for a new mom like you and it's due to several reasons. First, it accelerates the elimination of those excess pounds. Second, it floods your brain with PPD busting happy hormones. Lastly, it helps manage high levels of stress that all women taking care of infants tend to suffer from.

Brew herbal teas. So many herbal teas are known to help deal with depression naturally. Some of the most popular examples include chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. However, it's a good idea for breastfeeding moms to first consult their doctors before consuming any herbal tea or preparation.

Take a whiff of essential oils. According to scientists, certain types of smells can actually affect the mood. It's exactly for this reason why essential oils are very good at alleviating depression. Some of those that a woman with PPD may try counting on include lavender, grapefruit, roman chamomile, basil, sandalwood, jasmine, orange and rose essential oils. They can be utilized by diffusion, direct inhalation or topical application such as during a massage.

Add oily fish to the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids found abundantly in tuna, salmon, mackerel and other oily types of fish are known to regulate the mood. Omega 3 fatty acids can also be obtained from fish oil capsules. Just like when planning on taking any kind of supplement, it's a good idea for a new mother to first inform her doctor about her desire to take fish oil capsules daily in order to deal with PPD.

Avoid processed foods. PPD is due to hormonal imbalance, and it's something that can be aggravated by chemicals present in processed kinds of foods. This is why women who just gave birth should stay away from them and instead have more whole foods. Regularly eating fresh fruits and veggies can help in regulating the hormones faster.

Have enough sleep. Insomnia is a problem that tends to bug a lot of mothers who have babies to take care of. It's a must for them to look for ways to obtain lots of restorative sleep especially if they have PPD. Failure to get a good night's sleep can cause their depression to stay around longer than usual.

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