Discover How A Pasco County Chiropractor Can Alleviate Headache Symptoms And Pain

By Hans Gerhard

Headaches are a painful distraction from work and other things you need to do. Ignoring them, especially if chronic, is not a good idea. Home remedies may be effective for a short time. Usually it is advantageous to find a permanent solution. A prominent Pasco County Chiropractor is available to provide help for the individual suffering chronic headache pain.

The first appointment will be spent evaluating your spine. You will discuss all the details of the headaches such as frequency, intensity and how long each one lasts. If they are thought to be caused by a condition that chiropractors do not provide care for, you will be advised to visit the appropriate health care professional. If the source is a joint abnormality it is the purview of the chiropractic profession. Care will not be planned until the evaluation is complete.

Your spine is made of a series of small, hollow bones called vertebrae. They are separated by intervertebral discs. The spinal cord is held and protected by these bones. If they are out of place, they may cause pressure against one or more nerves. When that pressure is exerted it can cause a headache because the spinal vertebrae are subluxated, or misaligned.

That pressure can be expressed as a headache. When a vertebra is out of place it is referred to as a subluxation. The usual method used to correct it is a series of manual adjustments. Most clients favor chiropractic care because it is not invasive and uses no form of pain medication.

Seven of the vertebrae are located in the neck. When they are subluxated it causes pressure against the nerves. Muscles that are tense can cause a tension headache. Chiropractic spinal adjustments can relieve the pressure and the ensuing headache.

Although the main cause of pain may be a subluxation, often muscular tension intensifies the pain. The pain alleviation provided by the adjustments can be augmented by massage. Even correcting poor posture can contribute to relief. The individual may improve each time an adjustment is applied.

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