People With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Crofton MD

By Princess Allice

In a day where so many job require one to spend hours performing repetitive motions or spending long periods using a computer keyboard, work place related health concerns are rising. Issues like back aches, bad posture, sciatica and neck stiffness are frequent complaints. Crofton chiropractor offices have tools to deal such problems as well as carpal tunnel syndrome.

This is a condition where an individual experiences numbness and weakness in their hand. It is named for the eight carpal bones in the wrist which literally form a tunnel through which the nerve designated for the appendage extends. The tendons that are also housed in this formation are charged with controlling one's fingers.

Some of main causes of this issue are nerve compression, trauma, and repetitive movements that instigate swelling around the carpal tendons. It has also been linked to other conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity, connective tissue disease, as well as pregnancy and menopause. Frequent keyboard use, repetitious hand motions, and high intake of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can increase one's chances of developing this syndrome.

A sensation of swelling when none is evident, weakness of the palm, thumb and first two fingers, and a decreased ability to squeeze or grasp objects are all common symptoms. Proper sleep may be difficult due to increased pain intensity at night. The techniques used in chiropractic care are intended to address the issue's root cause.

The longer one leaves the nerve pressure unattended, the higher the risk of permanent hand damage becomes. The compression may actually lay anywhere along the arm from wrist to elbow, shoulder or even neck. Through a diagnostic examination, the doctor can better devise a more effective approach for the unique individual.

Chiropractic techniques are safe and meant to help the body heal naturally. The majority of patients receiving this care report noticeable improvements in hand strength, range of motion, nerve function, sensation, and a decrease in pain. Relief can be found without the need of drug therapy or surgical procedures.

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