Get Back Pain Relief With Spinal Decompression Santa Monica Residents

By Harvey Lancaster

A sedentary lifestyle is often the beginning of lower back problems. Spine health begins to suffer and discs either begin to deteriorate or shrink due to a lack of proper fluid and nutrient balance. In our youth the discs of our spines are healthy and get the proper fluids and nutrients they need to maintain and support us, but as we grow older and work in fields that often put pressure on our lower backs, our discs can become herniated or bulging causing a considerable amount of pain that can lead to debilitating conditions. There is help for back pain relief with spinal decompression Santa Monica area residents.

To relieve back pain, chiropractors use a technique called spinal decompression to stretch the spine slightly to alleviate pressure on the discs and allow fluid and nutrients to enter back into the discs to promote healing and allow them to regain what they have lost over the years. It may take more than one session using this technique to see the benefits, but many have reported lessening of their back pain or complete relief of their symptoms.

Many jobs require workers to sit for extended periods of time and while one may not think this type of work affects the back, it does because it puts pressure on the lower back and depending on posture it can create lower back pain and problems with the discs in the lower back. This is why sometimes people get stiff after sitting for long periods of time and need to move around to alleviate some of the pressure on their backs.

These only tend to mask the problems with back pain and do not get to the root cause of the issue which is usually a misalignment of the spinal column that with a few or many adjustments can be corrected back to its normal state without the need for surgery or medications. Also proper nutrition and exercise play a key role in maintaining back and spine health as well. There will need to be some lifestyle changes made and the chiropractor can suggest a positive course of action to enhance success.

Chiropractors use natural medicine along with proper techniques to alleviate back pain. They usually do not prescribe pain medications or suggest invasive procedures unless there is nothing they can do further to help you, then they may refer you to a regular physician who deals with your current health issues. Often the physician and the chiropractor will collaborate on the best course of action to take in your particular situation.

The spine is a delicate instrument that once damaged can create a whole host of health problems besides back pain. You may find that your other symptoms of a completely unrelated nature are relieved once you get back your proper spine health and begin to live a healthier lifestyle. Many people have benefited in more ways than one from chiropractic care, why not you?

As stated, surgery should be a method of last resort as it is expensive and invasive and the recovery time needed can be quite extensive leaving you unable to work or carry on with normal activities of daily living. Chiropractic care can be done on an outpatient basis and often you can resume your regular activities after a session, the amount of time it takes to heal varies with each individual but does not interfere with everyday living. Since this is a more natural method of relieving back pain, your chiropractor may also suggest certain lifestyle changes to ensure maximum recovery time.

As with any health condition always seek the advice of a medical professional before you begin any regimen that involves taking supplements or any alternative healthcare that you seek. They will be able to guide you to the best care available for you particular case.

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